Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brütal Legend Tour Bus takes First Place at Red Bull Soapbox Derby!

Oh man. What a weekend.

A few buddies from SCAD (Sean Feeley, Andrew Cook, Luke Nalker) and I spent the past few months busting our humps building a cart for the Red Bull Soapbox Race down in Los Angeles modeled after the Tour Bus in Brütal Legend (out in two weeks!!). The race was this past weekend, and we tore it to shreds! In front of a crowd of over 110,000 people, and one kilometer, two jumps and a giant berm later, Team Ironheade came out of the race not only with a bad-ass looking cart and first place, but also the new record for top speed at the Red Bull races- 46.1 miles per hour! And that's on a downhill, gravity powered cart. CRAZY!

Check out these sweet photos of our handiwork:

Also, here is a video of the event. We appear at around the 1:29 mark.

There were a number of fantastic, mind blowing carts there, and we met so many awesome people! It was an awesome event, and I look forward to attending future races. For now, it's time to relax.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Brütal Legend Intro Cinematic!

Oh crap! Check this action out!

Less than a month until we ship! (And the Demo comes out on Thursday!)